How to Stop Chasing Clients
Tips & Tricks

How to Stop Chasing Clients

Tired of wasting time chasing clients for documents? Manual follow-ups and scattered submissions can be frustrating and inefficient. Flowsecure automates document requests, sends scheduled reminders, and keeps everything organized in one place.

How to Stop Chasing Clients: The Key to Streamlined Document Collection

If you're an accountant, auditor, or legal advisor, you know all too well the frustration of chasing clients for documents. Endless emails, missed deadlines, and constant reminders can turn what should be straightforward work into a time-consuming ordeal. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here’s how you can stop chasing clients and reclaim valuable time in your day.

The Pain of Gathering Documents: A Common Struggle

Whether you're requesting financial statements, tax documents, or legal forms, the process is often tedious. You’ve likely experienced these challenges:

  1. Constant Reminders: Repeatedly sending follow-up emails or making phone calls just to get the same documents over and over again.
  2. Missed Deadlines: Delays in receiving necessary documents mean missed deadlines and last-minute rushes that lead to stress and errors.
  3. Disorganized Submissions: Clients often send documents in a piecemeal fashion, spread across multiple emails or messages, making it difficult to track what’s been received and what’s still missing.
  4. Time Wasted on Admin Work: Instead of focusing on your expertise, you end up spending hours managing back-and-forth communications, sending out reminders, and organizing submissions.

Why Is This Still a Problem?

You might think these challenges are just part of the job, but they don’t have to be. The reality is that many firms still rely on outdated methods to manage document collection. Manual follow-ups, spreadsheets, and fragmented communications are inefficient, prone to errors, and time-consuming.

It’s not just frustrating for you. Your clients are also busy, and tracking which documents they’ve sent, what’s still required, and keeping up with deadlines can be overwhelming. This leads to delays, mistakes, and—inevitably—more chasing.

The Solution: Automate and Simplify with Flowsecure

Imagine a system that automatically sends requests and reminders for you, tracks the status of every document in one place, and offers your clients a clear, organized way to submit everything you need. That’s exactly what Flowsecure does.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Automated Document Requests: Set up requests for the documents you need, specifying deadlines and requirements. Flowsecure automatically sends out these requests to your clients.
  2. Scheduled Reminders: Stop sending manual follow-ups. Flowsecure takes care of reminders based on your pre-set timelines, ensuring your clients stay on track without you needing to nudge them constantly.
  3. Centralized Communication: All documents and communications are kept in one secure platform, giving you and your clients full visibility into what’s outstanding and what’s been completed. No more hunting through email threads or dealing with scattered messages.
  4. Client-Friendly Interface: Flowsecure makes it easy for your clients to see exactly what’s needed and submit documents in a single place. This reduces confusion and helps them provide what’s required faster.
  5. Real-Time Updates: Receive instant notifications when documents are submitted, letting you stay on top of your tasks without manual checks.

The Results: Save Time, Reduce Stress, and Improve Client Relationships

By using Flowsecure, you’ll experience less time wasted on repetitive administrative tasks and more time focusing on high-value work that actually drives your business forward. Your clients will appreciate the clear, automated processes, and you’ll be able to meet deadlines without the last-minute scrambles.

Ready to Stop Chasing Clients?

Flowsecure is built specifically for professionals like you—accountants, auditors, and legal advisors—who need an efficient, reliable system for document collection. With automated requests, reminders, and centralized communication, you can say goodbye to the days of chasing clients and hello to streamlined, stress-free workflows.

Try Flowsecure for free HERE.

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